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Month 49 & 50

My passport stayed firmly in storage for months 49 and 50, in which I continued my US summer of exploration by car, plane, boat and train. Eight cities across five states might seem crazy for a two month stretch, but it’s a sign of how chaotic my life was around this time that it actually seemed…

Boston Through New Eyes thumbnail

Boston. Growing up less than three hours away in Albany, it was a frequent destination for everything from historical field trips to wholesome mother-daughter vacations. When I was in Junior High, my dad took a job there, and my mom and little sister and I started making more frequent trips to visit, in addition to his weekend…

Where to Eat on Martha’s Vineyard thumbnail

Creative people, bountiful local produce, and inspiring settings. It all adds up — Martha’s Vineyard is delicious. After two decades of visiting the island, I’m still constantly trying and discovering new restaurants. The truth is, we often eat at home — can you blame us, with a dining table like this? — and so I’ve sampled…

Fireworks, Family and Photoshoots: A Martha’s Vineyard Fourth of July thumbnail

It was the day we’d all come together in Martha’s Vineyard for. After five years straight of July 4th spent abroad followed by a stateside one stunted by a storm, I was back in the USA ready to give one of my favorite holidays (who am I kidding… they’re all my favorite holidays!) another shot. Our kicking…

Where to Do Yoga on Martha’s Vineyard thumbnail

“Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.” — Jason Crandell Martha’s Vineyard is a beautiful place to practice yoga. It’s an island with a naturally calming and creative energy, and so it’s no surprise that there are studios dotted all over it’s relatively small square mileage. Over my years of vacationing on…

Martha’s Vineyard

We just can’t stay away. Nor, it seems, can we turn off our overwhelming desire to introduce everyone we know and love to our little island home. What can I say? My family just has this infectious obsession with Martha’s Vineyard, and we can’t help but feel that everyone’s life would be better with a little…

Month 48

What a crazy month this one was. I transitioned from my Central American spring into my North American summer by tropical island hopping north-bound, from Roatan to Grand Cayman to Bermuda. That was the first half of the month. Then, after a quick spin around Upstate New York, I was island bound again, this time of…

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