Happy Halloween, readers!

Zebra Costumeszany zebras

Unfortunately one of my favorite holidays back home is not celebrated very widely across the world. We did have a pretty badass animal themed “fancy dress party” (as my UK friends call it) earlier this year in Koh Tao, which is where these photos are from. See that amazing zebra body paint job on Mark? You can just thank my four solid years of fine arts education for that one.

Bird Halloween Costume

Not bad for a remote tropical island, no?

animal halloween costumes

Hope everyone is having a spooky day and eating lots of candy corn, especially my best friend Kristin, who is lucky enough to have her birthday on the most fun day of the year, but unlucky enough to have a best friend in Cambodia for it.

Happy Birthday Halloween Cake

I made this for her last year. But now I’m just bragging.


  • Dad
    October 31 2011

    BOO back. I am releived to see you did not mimic Mark with a topless costume

    • Alex
      November 1 2011

      No worries there Dad!

  • karen
    October 31 2011

    Agree with Dad–but what a paint job on Mark–only you could do that!! Still hard to beat the Superman/Lois Lane pics. Know you’re always having a blast.

    • Alex
      November 1 2011

      Just wait till you see what we ended up going as last night…!

  • Steve McKee
    October 31 2011

    Hey, Dad: Surely you must be THRILLED to see that all those years of expensive college education have finally paid off!!!!

    • Alex
      November 1 2011

      I told Mark he owed me $120K for that paint job.

  • You guys are so cute! That cake is amazing!!!

  • Dad
    November 1 2011

    Note to Steve McKee: Yes, I am happy her six figure education manifested itself in body art on a young scotsman….seriously, I am happy she off the dole…I mean she is working her around the world on her own dimes, after all, and not living at home or camped out in Zucotti Park (I am with the 99% but glad my kids are all doing something and pursuing goals despite the economic inequities of the early 21st century)

    • Alex
      November 1 2011

      What is Zucotti Park?

  • Camels & Chocolate
    November 4 2011

    After months of ship food, I would like that cake in my mouth NOW.

    You guys are darling–and I know what you mean about Halloween not being so big in the rest of the world, hence my own difficulty at finding a costume!

    • Alex
      November 4 2011

      I just read your Halloween post 🙂 I do have actual Halloween photos now, but to be honest they aren’t as good as our zebra get-ups! Luckily I found a boyfriend who loves “fancy dress” as much as me!

  • Zoe
    November 16 2011

    Your costumes are awesome!! Why didn’t you don yourself with some stripes? Was Mark hogging all the paint…!

    • Alex
      November 16 2011

      It’s more difficult than you would think to paint one’s own body.

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