Greetings from New York! I’ve been back in my favorite state for a full week now, and I’ve managed to squeeze in a quick visit with friends in Brooklyn, half a dozen NYU graduation celebrations for my sister, familypalooza with the out-of-towners that came to our party in Albany, numerous trips to Chipotle, and strep throat. That last one has been especially fun.
I flew back on the specific date that I did in order to be there for all of my little sister’s graduation hoopla — and it was worth it. Of course this brought me back to my own graduation — was that really only two years ago? As my mother often says, and I fully agree, there’s not a person alive who has embraced their college experience more than Olivia did. And now, after four years at New York University, she’s off to Teach for America in New Orleans, and we couldn’t be prouder. This Photo of the Week is for the girl that I know can do absolutely anything she sets her sights on.
Congratulations to graduates and their families everywhere!
Love it, definitely one of my favourite.
Thanks Veronika! My sister has been vying for Photo of the Week for about 100 weeks, so she’ll appreciate that!
Many congratulations to your sister. It must be great to be home for such a happy occasion.
I feel very lucky to be home for this! I would have felt very left out to observe from halfway across the world 🙂
That’s a beautiful and powerful picture, Alex! Congrats to your sister! 🙂
Thanks Melanie! I’ll pass along your congratulations 🙂
Yay! Very cool photo!
Thanks Cat! I appreciate it!
Bravo Olivia!
Alex it was great to see you and hear about your adventures… Nice to have an in-person after seeing it all from a distance.
Great job!
Thanks David! Hope I get to see you again while I’m on the continent 🙂
Congrats to your sister! She’ll love NOLA, one of my favourite US cities.
I’m selfishly SO excited by her new destination… I just can’t wait to visit!
Thanks sissy!!! So happy I finally made Photo of the Week!! xoxoxo
Just granting wishes left and right here…
Congratulations to your sister! Love that photo… go class of ’13!!
I just graduated from U.Maryland and I must tell you that I totally pilfered a few of your travel-themed ideas for my graduation party! I.e. a gorgeous luggage cake (“Suitcake” as my uncle called it) and I found a few awesome world balloons… thank you for the inspiration, what a hit!
Ah, I’m so happy to hear that! I LOVED that graduation party… and I’m totally jealous I didn’t think of “suitcake!” Send me photos, I’d love to see 🙂
This is such a great picture of your sister! I love the focus and the angle.
Congratulations Olivia! Good luck in New Orleans!
Thank you so much Jen! I will pass on your well wishes 🙂