Greetings from California! After Burning Man, I flew from The Silver State to the Golden State for two weeks of California dreamin’. I’m here not only to spend time with my dad and my dog (both of whom are recent transplants to the city), but also to show around two first-time California visitors. Having spent quite little time here myself — not to mention being slammed with work and recovering from a week-long festival — I’m not sure if I’m the best tour guide for Los Angeles, but I gave it a good shot.

We hiked, we did yoga, we hung by the pool, we cooked at home and had a few fun meals out, we bar-hopped both downtown and in Koreatown. I also got my Thai visa, checked out doggie daycare centers, made multiple trips to the airport for pick-ups and drop-offs and squeezed in computer time whenever possible. It’s been quite the week, with the undoubted highlight being the company in which I spent it.

Next up, San Diego and Palm Springs. Till then, lots of love from the left coast!

Photo A

Hiking to the Hollywood SignHiking up to the famous Hollywood sign

Photo B

The Springs Los AngelesLunch and yoga at The Springs

Photo C

Downtown Los AngelesDowntown Los Angeles — can you spot Kat in the reflection?

Photo D

Bar Hopping in Los AngelesA toast — or two! — to California

Which photo is your favorite?

Pssst! Still looking for a little more Nevada? Check out my takeover of TravelNevada’s instagram account, going on now!

  • Rachel
    September 15 2015

    Oooh, A. So iconic! But C is very cool too – normally I hate when I get a reflection in a pic, but that one is so clear!

    • Alex
      September 17 2015

      It’s definitely frustrating if it’s unintended 🙂 One of the reasons I’m forever grateful I was told to wear all black on a helicopter tour once!

  • Joella
    September 15 2015

    I have to go with B because I’m really in the yogi mood right now. I had the best class yesterday! Are you driving to San Diego? It’s a great drive. Well I’ve only done it from Newport Beach to SD but, to be honest, the first bit out of LA is not the most picturesque anyway as it’s so built up. 🙂 You’ve probably been there before but, if not, I really liked Encinitas and La Jolla before you get to San Diego city 🙂

    • Alex
      September 17 2015

      I did drive, and it was awesome! The LA bit was indeed stressful, but I loved stopping in Huntington and Laguna.

  • lisa
    September 15 2015

    I love them all but ‘A’ is my fav. You’re an awesome photographer!
    LOVE your blog…I’ve already booked a number of places and am following in your footsteps 🙂

    • Alex
      September 17 2015

      Oh, thank you so much Lisa! That makes me happy to hear. Where are you headed?

      • lisa
        September 17 2015

        I just planned my entire mid-January Guatemala trip around your blog. I added it on to a week on the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica. It’s so easy to ‘add on’ since it’s right next door…lol!
        Also I’m going to Myanmar for two weeks ending Nov. 8th and was going to come home after that until I saw your picture with the lanterns….that did it for me!
        I’ve now extended my trip until December 4th and will go to Chiang Mai for Yee – Ping! I’m still confused about the date but if nothing else will see the smaller releases around the city Nov. 25th.
        I also just returned from the Perhentian Islands after reading about them on your blog too!
        I think you’re amazing and so inspirational. I left the day after college to Europe with a one way plane ticket and stayed six months. I took a twenty five year break to raise four babies and now that I have empty nest I am ready to go again. I also just booked two months in Indonesia in Spring!
        I’m considering the Philippines so if you’ve got any suggestions on which is better diving and if the Philippines are worth it I would be very grateful to know. If not I’ll just focus on Indonesia. I am planning Sumatra, Java, Bali and topping off with diving on Sulewasi!
        Thank you thank you!

        • Alex
          September 19 2015

          Wow! You have some amazing travels coming up 🙂 I’m so thrilled to hear that my posts have inspired some of them! I adore both the Philippines and Indonesia and both have fantastic diving — you truly can’t go wrong. Personally I’m in a less-is-more phase and trying to do longer trips to less places, but whether or not to add in the Philippines is a decision I think only you can make. You’ll have a great time no matter what! Best of luck, and happy travels!

          • lisa
            September 19 2015

            Funny..that’s just what I was feeling…keep it simple is always a great motto.
            Thank you again for being so great! Who knows…maybe our paths will cross in Chiang Mai this year 🙂

      • lisa
        September 17 2015

        Oh…and Koh Tao too!

  • Gemma Two Scots Abroad
    September 15 2015

    Oooo Photo C – the reflection is a winner. I do adore the colours in your photos, dreamy.

    • Alex
      September 17 2015

      Ah, thanks Gemma! <3

  • Marni
    September 15 2015

    Photo A! I love not only that viewpoint but also the mix of nature and city. Beautiful shot.

    • Alex
      September 17 2015

      Thanks Marni. It was a tough hike in the heat but so worth it. A lovely excursion!

  • Britt
    September 15 2015

    Photo B! It made me super hungry!

    • Alex
      September 17 2015

      One of my favorite meals of the trip, so far!

  • Dani
    September 15 2015

    C! As cliche as reflection photos are, I still love them!

    • Alex
      September 17 2015

      Me to! I never tire of taking them.

  • Sarah
    September 15 2015

    I’ll go for A! It’s a classic but still beautiful

    • Alex
      September 17 2015

      Thanks Sarah! It was a really fun afternoon.

  • Danica
    September 15 2015

    Welcome to California! I recently moved to San Diego and I am from the Palm Springs area so I hope you enjoy… and survive the heat!

    • Alex
      September 17 2015

      Awesome! Are you loving being by the beach? I adore Palm Springs but I think I’d prefer to live by the sea if I was in California long-term.

  • Justine
    September 16 2015

    I’m going to go with D because I’m always down to toast to my home state. I’m so excited to hear that you’re going to San Diego. That’s where I’m from! Also, I agree with Joella that Encinitas is were it’s at. Although that might be because that’s where I lived before moving to SE Asia 😉 Enjoy the Mexican food for me!

    • Alex
      September 17 2015

      I’m responding to this comment from San Diego right now and loving it! I already can’t wait to come back again next time I’m in California 🙂

  • Katie
    September 16 2015

    Photo C — love that reflection!! Although the food pictured in B almost won me over…

    • Alex
      September 17 2015

      Mmmmm it was so good. I can only imagine how good I’d feel if I was eating that healthy every day!

  • Photo A! Just look at that view!

    • Alex
      September 17 2015

      It was pretty amazing to see all the way down to Downtown LA!

  • Leah
    September 16 2015

    Welcome back to the real world! 😉 Photo A is pretty great. Would be fun to do that hike one day!

    • Alex
      September 17 2015

      Maybe I can take you on it 🙂

  • Rashaad
    September 16 2015

    Photo B – well, the food half of the picture. What was the meal?

    • Alex
      September 17 2015

      Vegan food! A smoothie, guacamole, some chia pudding, a “tuna” roll, and a seaweed salad.

  • Anca | Globaloud
    September 18 2015

    Much better perspective of the Hollywood sign than the usual one, captured from the ground!

    • Alex
      September 24 2015

      Agreed! And it was a well-earned one, too!

  • Steve
    September 19 2015

    I’m a bit late this week. I’m choosing photo A. What’s better than a view from a icon.

    • Alex
      September 24 2015

      It was pretty fun to see such an iconic view in such an original way!

  • Jane M
    September 20 2015

    Ooooh, how I miss LA. I lived there for 7 years before taking off to travel (and now am temporarily in Canada). I especially miss the amazing food. Have you tried Gracias Madre or Sage yet? Two of my favourite vegan spots (though I couldn’t really afford to go to GM very often!)


    • Alex
      September 24 2015

      I haven’t tried either… but I’ll add them to my list! I’m not vegan but I do like trying out the restaurants from time to time!

  • Izy Berry
    September 21 2015

    i love the photo C that it is the real LA

    • Alex
      September 24 2015

      Thanks for voting, Izy!

  • becky hutner
    September 22 2015

    How could I not choose B? So glad you dug it!!

    • Alex
      September 24 2015

      Thanks again for the tip girl! Great to get a recommendation from a local that I know has the same tastes as me 🙂

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