Greetings, once again, from Koh Tao. This week’s addition is coming at you a little late thanks to what appears to be my monthly technological meltdown. January’s edition came in the form of a fried laptop charger on an island several hundred miles from the nearest Apple store. Thank you, universe, for sparing me from having to leave the island to procure one — I eventually found a friend who had previously ordered a batch (I wouldn’t have been able to wait for delivery) and had one left to sell.

Anyway! That little hiccup aside, 2016 is off to a pretty great start. New Year’s Eve was the perfect combination of lively and laid back, and I rung in midnight on the beach surrounded by barefoot friends, hectic fireworks and paper lanterns floating gently into the sky.

I have some friends on the island celebrating their honeymoon, and I’ve been enjoying playing tour guide for them here and there in a time that would probably otherwise be swallowed up by work. January has arrived in full force and just a few days in I already had a month’s worth of exciting projects lined up. It’s been a blast starting to tackle them!

On that note, I have plenty of exciting posts coming up this week, including one announcing my upcoming travel plans for 2016. Stay tuned! In the meantime, here’s a little peek at the past seven days…

Photo A

Fresh Coconuts on Koh TaoCrazy for coconuts… and patterns

Photo B

Koh Tao HikingI wish it said “kappun ka” instead, but I still love this photo from our hike with the honeymooners

Photo C

Koh Tao PhotographyPantone-worthy hues

Which photo is your favorite?

Featured Blogs

Looking for new travel blogs to obsess over? Curious about new content? Searching for the perfect gift for the wanderluster in your life? Each month, I’m sharing an inspiring selection of travel blogs, travel projects and travel shops right here! Not only are these fellow entrepreneurs following their passions and creating beautiful content, they’re also supporting Alex in Wanderland by advertising in my sidebar this month — please support them back by checking out their sites and cheering them along.

Introducing Alex in Wanderland’s featured bloggers for January!


A Global Stoll features a mix of travel tips and inspirational posts from a from a cute married couple, plus features on destinations across Europe and North America, with a special emphasis on the Aloha State.

Why I Love This Blog: Tasha and Jarden hail from Hawaii! Is that not reason enough to love them? Don’t head there without checking out their insider advice.

Avichai is taking on the world one well-planned itinerary at a time at X Days in Y. His posts are a wealth of information to fellow travelers and invlude maps, tips, and detailed itineraries — currently, he’s tackling the South Pacific.

Why I Love This Blog: “How many days in [insert destination here]” is a frequent search term of mine when I’m travel planning. I used Avichai’s guides to help plan much of my American Southwest trip this summer — they were spot on!

Chantae is a ocean-loving girl after my own heart. She’s traveled the world — from Europe to Asia to Australia to her native USA — in search of authentic experiences and aquatic exhilaration. And now she’s sharing it at Chantae Was Here.

Why I Love This Blog: Activities like diving, surfing, yoga and kitesurfing get top billing in Chatae’s navigation header. Bring on the adventure sport addicts!

There’s something decadently fun about peeking into Angie’s luxurious Silverspoon London life — and the many domestic and international trips she manages to fit in to every year.

Why I Love This Blog: Angie’s blog features in-depth restaurant reviews with detailed food photography, the perfect posts to pin if you’re heading to one of her destinations and trying to size up a splurge at one of the region’s top restaurants.

Katie is a fellow American obsessed with living abroad — she’s currently exploring Oz as part of the one year working holiday visa. Hummingbird Away is equal parts travelogue and travel resource, a balance I always look for in the blogs I bookmark and frequently go back to.

Why I Love This Blog: She’s covering corners of Australia that I never knew existed — and now can’t wait to get to.

Get Featured

Interested in becoming a featured blogger or shop? Read more here. Limited spots still remaining for April and beyond.

  • Stef
    January 6 2016

    I’m voting for photo A this week. Enjoy Koh Tao!

    • Alex
      January 7 2016

      Thanks Stef! So happy to be here!

  • Joella
    January 6 2016

    I’m going with B- lovely photo plus a vote for honeymooning in Thailand. We spent some of our honeymoon in Thailand too, the rest was in Myanmar. It was awesome!

    • Alex
      January 7 2016

      I can’t think of a better destination 🙂 What a gorgeous place to start a marriage!

  • Amy | Toothbrush Travels
    January 6 2016

    Upcoming travel plans for 2015?
    Do you have a time machine that we don’t know about! 😉

    Looking forward to finding out what’s on the agenda! xo

    • Alex
      January 7 2016

      Ha! Guess I’m not used to typing that six yet…

  • Sarah
    January 6 2016

    Photo C! Love the combination of colours, Pantone-worthy indeed

    • Alex
      January 7 2016

      Thanks Sarah! Mother nature impresses me every day here!

  • Natalie
    January 6 2016

    Photo C…love the sunset!

    • Alex
      January 7 2016

      Me too, Natalie. I need to get down to the beach to watch more of them!

  • Danica
    January 6 2016

    My laptop charger system is ideal for those of us that have issues with breaking things… I always have two. That way when one breaks (which happens to me way to often…) I replace it and have another one to use in the mean time!

    Oh, and I vote C!

    • Alex
      January 7 2016

      Danica, that’s genius and I don’t know why I haven’t thought of it before. I’m going to order a backup this week 🙂 I guess I was worried about the extra something to carry but obviously, it’s worth it.

  • Dani
    January 7 2016

    Photo C! So refreshing to see on a slow workday!

    • Alex
      January 7 2016

      Glad I could inject a little color 🙂

  • Jade
    January 7 2016

    Photo B- that clear sky!
    Love the new featured bloggers too, this feature is great.

    • Alex
      January 8 2016

      Yes, it’s a great group! Thanks for giving them some love, Jade!

  • Punita
    January 7 2016

    Must say I love Photo C…
    Limited colors are highlighting the picture details extremely well

    • Alex
      January 8 2016

      Thanks Punita! Always love hearing what you guys think!

  • Photo C – those colours! <3

    • Alex
      January 8 2016

      Definitely a reader favorite this week 🙂

  • Kacy
    January 7 2016

    Loving Photo B. So polite 🙂

    • Alex
      January 8 2016

      Ha, it is indeed 🙂 Thank you for hiking to the viewpoint and paying a stupid entrance fee to do so…

  • Marni
    January 7 2016

    Photo C! In case you hadn’t already guessed, I’m a sucker for vibrant, scenic shots.

    • Alex
      January 8 2016

      They come in spades here on Koh Tao!

  • Dominique
    January 7 2016

    Photo C – even though all pictures are equally beautiful this week the colours in photo C are drawing me in 🙂

    • Alex
      January 8 2016

      Thanks Dominique! I’m a sucker for that sunset orange.

  • Avichai
    January 7 2016

    I go for photo A. Coconuts = freedom. At least for me, since we don’t have coconut trees back home (just date trees). So when I see a coconut, I’m probably on vacation somewhere in the tropics!

    • Alex
      January 8 2016

      Indeed — bonus points for drinking straight out of one!

  • Dad
    January 7 2016

    It has to be C

    • Alex
      January 8 2016

      Nice to see your name pop up… I’ve missed you around here 🙂

  • Mary B
    January 7 2016

    C is oh so pretty!

    My laptop charger died in Honduras and it was quite a hassle to get a new one down there (FedEx doesn’t like to ship to towns that don’t have street addresses) – hooray for your friend with an extra!

    • Alex
      January 8 2016

      Ugh, nightmare. I think I’m going to start traveling with two from here forward!

  • becky hutner
    January 8 2016

    C for the colors & textures!

    • Alex
      January 8 2016

      *sings* These are a few of my favorite things… 🙂

  • Rashaad
    January 8 2016

    I choose B – I like the “Thank You” sign

    • Alex
      January 8 2016

      It’s a cute one, isn’t it? 🙂

  • Ashley
    January 8 2016

    Love photo C! That flower shot is gorgeous.

    • Alex
      January 8 2016

      That’s right outside my front door 🙂 I love my little apartment jungle!

  • Julia Nix
    January 9 2016

    photo A spoke to me the most. 🙂 And your dad, lovely to see his comment again. How time flies.

  • Erika
    January 10 2016

    Photo C is lovely; those colors are seriously beautiful!

    • Alex
      January 11 2016

      Thanks Erika. I’m really feeling the oranges lately!

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