This week’s travel Photo of the Week reveals that Christmas season has arrived, even here in Buddhist Thailand. I’m leaving in a few days to go pick my family up in Bangkok for the holidays, and I couldn’t be more excited. You won’t be reading about it for a while though, because I have tons more Cambodia and Vietnam goodness to share!

In preparation for their arrival I’ve basically spent another week in the house, writing blog posts and finishing freelance projects. It was during on of my daily 7-11 runs that I picked up this cake to infuse some holiday cheer into my day in the tropics.

Santa in Thailand

Happy holidays!

  • Love it!

    • Alex
      December 17 2011

      Thanks Andi! You knew I’d find a way to celebrate even over here, right? 🙂

  • Bridget Ball Shaw
    December 17 2011

    Tee hee! Merry Christmas!

    • Alex
      December 17 2011

      Merry Christmas to you too!

  • Kathryn
    December 17 2011

    Santa looks a little unfocused…I hope he can keep it together for the big day! Speaking of focused…I need to get that way to get this mountain of stuff into one suitcase…..XOXO

    • Alex
      December 17 2011

      It’s because he’s missing his glasses!

  • crazy sexy fun traveler
    December 17 2011

    Haven’t seen anything like this in Thailand so far, looks very yummy 🙂

    • Alex
      December 17 2011

      You can find anything at 7-11!

  • Diane Cameron
    December 17 2011

    You are in the spirit!

  • Olivia Baackes
    December 18 2011

    I’m reading this post with mom in JFK waiting to get on our plane to come see you!

    As excited as I am for all the unique and exotic things Thailand has to offer this Xmas, I’m equally excited to know there is a 7-11 close by.

    To all you blog readers, get pumped to start reading posts about Alex’s FAMILY!

    • Alex
      December 19 2011

      7-11 is my lifesaver, and they are all over Thailand. I definitely missed them when we were traveling through Cambo and Vietnam! And by the way, it will be a long time before readers start hearing about this trip! We haven’t even gotten to Vietnam yet!

  • Laura
    December 18 2011

    Alex, you must be so excited to have your family coming to spend Christmas with you. I had a gift I wanted to send with them. I’m going to have to get an address to send it to you directly instead. We will miss you during the holiday. Love you…Laura

    • Alex
      December 19 2011

      Laura, you are too sweet. I have a better idea, rather than mailing it… come hand deliver it yourself! 🙂 I miss you guys terribly around all the holidays. Will be thinking about you. Lots of love!

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