This was one of those weeks that was simultaneously crazy busy and super laid back. Laid back because I did not stray from more than a 20 mile radius from my house. Crazy busy in that I was:

  • Finishing a major freelancing project (which involved looking at dreamy wedding photos, so I really can’t complain.)
  • Starting to make headway on a major upgrade of my childhood bedroom
  • Working out like a nutcase (I really owe you guys an update to this post)
  • Making time to catch up with family and friends and my pup Tucker
  • Trying to keep up with this lil ‘ol blog… advertising has been slow this month and I’m trying not to panic
  • And playing travel agent for four different trips this summer. Yeah, yeah, woe is me, right? But Iceland is booked! I could not be more excited, though juggling the schedules of my mom, my sister and me in order to pick dates and book flights and hotels did drive me to the brink of tears on more than one occasion. I can’t wait for this trip, and to share it with you. Spoiler: I’m going diving! In Iceland!

So all that was pretty much to say that I feel kind of lame about this week’s Photo of the Week options. Pinnacle of my photographic career right here: flowers and puppies. Forgive me?

Photo A

Lark Street, Albany, NY

I brought my big camera downtown to photography the Micheal Jackson Cirque de Soleil, only to arrive and find out no cameras allowed. Lucky for me they didn’t search me for one- in fact, in a fairly humorous case of racial profiling, they only searched Asians for camera. Seriously. But anyway, bringing my camera wasn’t a total loss because I caught this beautiful light while walking down Lark Street.

Photo B

Lark Street, Albany, NY

Same story as above!

Photo C

Albany Rural Cemetary, NY

I brought my camera along while walking my pup Tucker around Albany’s big endless cemetery. I was thinking I would take some scenic photos of what is truly a beautiful place but in typical fashion I couldn’t stop taking pictures of my own dog. Sigh.

Photo D

Albany Rural Cemetary, NY

Hamming it up again. I love this pup.

Photo E

Albany Rural Cemetary, NY

This is actually my favorite photo except for that darn plant thing in Tucker’s face! Does that bother everyone else too?

Next week I promise to actually do something photo worthy. But for now, which one is your fave?

  • Globetrottergirls
    May 26 2012

    Tucker is just adorable! Looks like you’re having beautiful spring weather in New York 🙂

    • Alex
      May 26 2012

      I can’t complain… it’s been the perfect mix of rainy no-guilt-stay-in-and-work-days and beautiful get out and enjoy days! And Tucker is blushing! 🙂

  • Kimi
    May 26 2012

    Ah, I love this week’s pictures! Especially pup Tucker’s pics. 🙂

    • Alex
      May 26 2012

      Tucker says thank you, Kimi!

  • So excited to hear about your Iceland plans! For a while, Tony and I were thinking of starting our trip in Iceland rather than Japan, but now that we’re starting in Tokyo, we think we might end in Iceland. And yes, one of the reasons I wanted to go to Iceland was to at least snorkel there because it looks AMAZING!

    • Alex
      May 26 2012

      Well maybe my posts will convince you to DIVE it instead! 🙂 Either way it looks like an amazing experience.

  • Hannah
    May 26 2012

    E is my favourite too – I’m a sucker for dogs and Tucker is such a cutie! Looks like you have had a lovely sunny week 🙂

    • Alex
      May 26 2012

      We did! He is the best blogging companion around 🙂

  • Rachel
    May 26 2012

    I like E, even with the plant. I just love that doggie smile! Can’t wait to read about Iceland – I really want to ride there, eventually.

    • Alex
      May 27 2012

      Hey Rachel, I am planning on doing a ride on an Icelandic horse, can’t wait! I will be sure to think of you when writing the post 🙂

  • You ARE a busy woman! I choose A!!!!

  • Sarahsomewhere
    May 27 2012

    Gorgeous pup! Think I like D, he looks like he’s on a mission!!! Iceland- awesome!!!

    • Alex
      May 27 2012

      I can’t wait for Iceland, it’s going to be amazing! I haven’t been on a “holiday” in ages- you know what I mean, it’s different to go on a one week trip with hotels and such than to travel for months. So excited!

  • Dad
    May 28 2012

    C hands down. It looks like an action shot, D and E look posed and that doesn’t make them lesser pics but I know Tucker will pose for someone when he sees them hold up a camera or cell phone to their eye. So capturing him in movement seems more exceptional

    • Alex
      May 28 2012

      Well he must have been overexcited by the cemetery because he was NOT being a cooperate poser on this day!

  • Andrea
    May 28 2012

    I like the second to last one of your pup! One thing I miss so much while traveling is having pets. Take advantage of having a puppy to cuddle! 🙂

    • Alex
      May 29 2012

      Andrea I completely agree, that is one of the things I most miss about “real life”…. If I ever settle down a pup will soon follow 🙂

  • Annie
    May 31 2012

    B and E.

    B is a nice shot. E is a nice shot of a puppy. Cant pick between them!

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