Planes, too expensive. Sea Ferries, too pukey. Buses, overdone, yawn! Semi private sea catamaran? I think I shall!

Roatan to Utila

Okay so we didn’t really have all those other choices in order to get from Roatan to Utila. I mean, we could have taken the sea ferry back to the mainland and then out to Utila, but it would have taken just as long and cost only a few bucks less. So we splurged for the most direct route to our next destination — a five hour catamaran ride offered by an enterprising sailor who saw a need and filled it, and now spends his days sailing between two beautiful islands in the Caribbean sea. Tough life.

Honduran Flag

There was only one other couple and we chatted with them a bit, she worked in the cruise ship industry for a bit so we all commiserated, but we mostly spent the day lazing in the net, reading, and catching some sun. As far as modes of transit go, I think I like this one.

Roatan to Utila

How’s that for a morning commute?

  • Jaymee
    March 4 2014

    I’m planning on going to the bay islands this May and would really appreciate this transportation between islands. Do you have the contact or company name? I know there was a “Captain Vern” who offered direct Roatan-Utila but he’s was killed, so I’m looking for an affordable alternative

    • Alex
      March 5 2014

      Jaymee, I sailed with Captain Vern. This is the first I had heard of his death… how tragic. I’m sorry I don’t have any information about an alternative 🙁

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