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At Home in the Empire State thumbnail

Confused on where we are? I’m catching up on the black hole of content from May of 2016 to April of 2017 — when I jumped forward to blog the summer of 2017 as it was happening. This is my final post wrapping up my time in New York up to November of 2016, and I…

The Great Escape: Month 61 Roundup thumbnail

Time to dive back into roundups! Since I’m working my way through my black hole of content from August of 2016 to April of 2017, that means we’ve got roundups to catch up on as well. This one will be pretty short and sweet, with Months 62 + 63 are coming out next week. Apologies for…

The Great Escape: Month 51 Roundup thumbnail

From the Caribbean back to the East Coast and out West again — it was a month on the move. I started and ended this month with two big trips, cushioned in the middle by a nice stretch of downtime in which to catch my breath. It was a pretty good balance, and while I had…


Man, do I have a lot of quality time with this keyboard ahead. I still have so many exciting summer trips to share with you all — to Aruba, Arizona, Bonaire, Boston, California, Kentucky, Tennessee, Martha’s Vineyard, and Nevada! To conferences and festivals and family reunions and beyond. But the biggest piece of my summer is…

Crooked Lake Wedding

Greetings from Albany! I spent this weekend back in my hometown in order to cheers to the latest of my high school friends to tie the knot. It was a beautiful wedding and I was grateful that the bride texted me last year within hours of booking the venue and told me I better be present…

Week 215

Happy Sunday! This morning, I woke up on the beautiful Caribbean island of Bonaire for the first time ever. I’m so excited to be exploring a new country… from above and below the water. But more on that in a minute. I spent the past week upstate in Albany, preparing to leave on this trip. I…

Fort Tilden Beach

This past week found me hopping between the two cities I call home in New York state — Albany and New York City. Both call me back in different ways and for different reasons. One thing I know for sure? It is great to have almost three weeks in which I’ve been able to bounce between…

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