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Hotel Crush: Radisson Blu Bangkok thumbnail

While I continue to recap the remainder of my endless summer, I’ve decided to jump out of chronological order and start sharing snippets of what I’ve been up to since I reached Southeast Asia this fall. Thanks for sticking with me! Guys, can we talk about jetlag for a minute? Generally, I’ve prided myself on handling…

Bangkok and Siem Reap

Wow — what a week! This was the first time I pulled my passport out since arriving in Thailand in late September, and only the third time I’ve left the comfy shores of Koh Tao in the same time period. And while I’ve been endlessly content to sit still lately, this trip was a blissful reminder of how good…

The Wanderland Guide To Travel Planning: Breaking it Down to Bangkok and Siem Reap thumbnail

Happy holidays! This post is brought to you by KAYAK. . Whether it’s off on an exotic beach getaway or back to a snow-filled hometown, it’s no secret that the holidays are a crazy popular time to travel. Despite that I’m on a self-imposed six-month travel sabbatical, even I couldn’t resist getting in on the fun. Right now, I’m…

Photo of the Week 227: Bangkok thumbnail

Greetings from Bangkok! Okay, well technically I’m not in Bangkok anymore, but I was when I first penned this post. Unfortunately I fell off the grid for a few days and didn’t get the chance to upload, but you’ll hear more about that next week. For now — Bangkok. I returned back to the Big Mango…

Photo of the Week 225: Phuket thumbnail

Inertia. An object in motion tends to stay in motion, and a blogger not blogging tends to stay not blogging. That’s how I’ve felt this week… this month? September was one of my lightest posting months ever (tied with December 2014, for my fellow useless information hoarders) since I launched Alex in Wanderland, and October’s not…

Months 41 and 42

Note: Yup, I’m a little behind posting roundups. After the next one, however, we should be all caught up. Sorry for any confusion my lazy posting has caused! From Halloween to my birthday to Thanksgiving to Christmas, this was a period of big celebrations! And big heapings of time spent with some very special people. Over…

The Great Escape: Month 41 Roundup thumbnail

Note: This roundup might be a tad late. Expect another coming up next week! (Why do I keep forgetting to publish these things when I write in my “roundup notes” file on an almost daily basis?) Home sweet home away from home. Traveling around Thailand — especially to places I’ve been once or twice or a…

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