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Puerto Viejo

Panama Roundup

This month marked the end of my Latin America adventures and the start of an extended period back to the US, a bittersweet page turn to a next chapter in my travels. After some emotionally tumultuous times in South America I felt like I had finally gotten my groove back, Stella-style, when we hit Panama —…

One Week of La Pura Vida thumbnail

Crossing the border into Costa Rica, it finally hit me. There were nineteen weeks of travel behind me, and only one ahead. This was the end of my Latin American adventures. I’d chosen to fly out of San Jose for several reasons. First, because there were flight to New Orleans for only 15,000 frequent flyer miles…

The Problem with Puerto Viejo thumbnail

“Well, we’ve got three months for Central America which should be okay as we’re only spending a week in Costa Rica.” “We’re skipping Costa Rica entirely.” “You’re going to Costa Rica?! I guess you really hate your money.” From Peru to Panama we met backpackers warning us against the budget-wrecking horrors of Costa Rica. Had we…

Horseback Riding the Right Way in Costa Rica thumbnail

“At one point, those doctors nearly declared me dead.” The man riding next to me was very much alive, and explaining how a bad accident led him to trade in riding Harleys in America for riding horses in Costa Rica. It was just one of many fantastic tales we’d hear throughout the day. As a certified…

Photo of the Week 141 thumbnail

This post is a significant one — the final Photo of the Week from my twenty weeks of Latin American adventures. Today, Anders and I part ways and tomorrow I’ll be flying back to the US. It’s incredibly bittersweet — I’m paralyzed at the thought of saying goodbye to my copilot for the past three months…