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West Coast

Hiking Ben Nevis: For The Desperately Out of Shape thumbnail

For those of you who haven’t spent the last 20 days memorizing the Scotland Lonely Planet 11th Edition, Ben Nevis is the tallest mountain in all of Great Britain at 4,409 feet above sea level. It attracts approximately 100,000 insane people outdoor enthusiasts each year who joyfully lace up their hiking boots and sail up the…

Photo Of The Week 2 thumbnail

Okay, so it’s week 2 of my big project and I’m cheating already. Remember last week, when I posted that adorable photo of a highland cow? Well, I took an even better one. Remember that unlike many travel blogs out there with a Photo of the Week feature, my photo of the week is actually taken…

Dressed to Kilt: A Scottish Wedding Story thumbnail

There’s nothing quite like a wedding to immerse you into a new country headfirst. Rich in traditions, societal norms and cultural pride, a marriage celebration gives you a taster of the best of what is to come. Three days after my departure from New York I attended my first Scottish wedding, and I jumped right in…

Photo Of The Week 1 thumbnail

As long time readers know, last summer in Grand Cayman I worked for a photographer named Heather Holt. She did a Photo A Day project that required taking, editing and posting a photo every day for an entire year- and never cheated once! I was inspired by her dedication but slightly dissuaded by how demanding the…

Greetings From Scotland! thumbnail

… And the journey begins. After an astronomically expensive cab ride, a mad scuffle at the airport to avoid excess baggage fees, three semi brutal plane rides, and a car ride through the Scottish countryside with a breathless sighting of a highland cow, I have arrived safe in Irvine, Scotland. I feel like my 9 hours…

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