What, you’re sick of hearing about a trip that happened a year ago? Fine. One more Honduras post and its back to our regularly scheduled programming.
Okay, so maybe I haven’t been to EVERY bar in Central America. Or even every country. But I have been to three (countries, that is) and I think I can safely say this bar has got to be pretty far up the list of amazing Central American drinking establishments.
Treetanic Bar is fashioned after a shipwreck that’s been sunk in a patch of mango trees, and then covered, every square inch of coverable surface, in mixed media mosaic. The bar, a Utila landmark, opened in 1998 has been decorated continuously by owners Neil and Julia. The objects you see making up the mosaics covering every possible surface are from the owner’s trips through Guatemala and Honduras and from flea markets in LA.
I felt like Alice Alex in Wonderland Wanderland meandering through the many tunnels, tiny rooms, bridges and staircases crafted from shells, bottle caps, pieces of mirror, glass beads and more. It is without question, a work of art.
It’s also a damn good time.
Did I mention that there are bats? Yes. Lots and lots of bats.
Very tall Melanie to very short Alex, in reference to the bats: “You don’t know what it’s like up here!”
Is it hard to get an idea of how cool it is from these night photos? Here are some pictures of this adult playground during the day. It’s also a restaurant and hotel, by the way.
Okay, now prove me wrong. Do you think there’s a cooler bar out there than this one? Tell me, so I can add it to my bucket (of alcohol) list!
OK, agreed this is a cool bar, maybe the coolest ever. But enough already. Greece! Turkey!
Sorry, but you’ll have a long time to wait before those countries show up! There’s still London and Ibiza first.
Hi, How did you build this site? I love the look of it!
I came looking for Honduras information. Trying to plan a trip to the Bay Islands!
Hi Lindsay, Thanks for the compliment! I share all the tools I used to build this site here, have a look and let me know if you have any questions. I absolutely loved the Bay Islands and as you’ll see, I have many many posts about my time in Honduras. Enjoy your research and your trip!
My favorite bar was on the beach in northern Zanzibar.
Tell me more!