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Gili Trawangan

Becoming a Divemaster: Conclusion and Advice thumbnail

Does it seem like I’ve been writing about my Divemaster course forever? It kind of does to me! It’s time to wrap things up on this subject before I lost the interest of all my land lubber readers, but I do have some final thoughts and pieces of advice I want to share first. First, a…

Becoming a Divemaster: Hazing thumbnail

After five weeks of theory testing, skill practice, and practical experience of teaching and testing, it was time to get down to the business of the Divemaster Training. The business of hazing. First, I had to survive the Stress Test. The Stress Test is actually just a sadistic modification of / addition to the PADI-required equipment…

Photo of the Week 111 thumbnail

I am in internet purgatory — a place that any digital nomad fears even more than airport customer service line after a flight cancellation or having your luggage held in customs. After two weeks of blissfully tolerable internet connections, things took a turn for awful. The past few days have found me roaming around the island…

Photo of the Week 110 thumbnail

It’s been another week of uneventful island life, where the most exciting moments include seaside massages and the low points include gecko poop in the bed. I’ve been slammed with freelance jobs, and am so grateful that I’m taking it easy this month and staying put somewhere so that I have time to tackle it all…

Becoming a Divemaster: Practical Experience thumbnail

Recently I explained what the Divemaster course is, why I decided to sign up, and how I chose where and when to do so. Now I’m breaking down the course into four sections — I started with theory and skills, and now I’m on to practical experience. I hope this will be helpful to those looking…

Becoming a Divemaster: Skills thumbnail

Recently I explained what the Divemaster course is, why I decided to sign up, and how I chose where and when to do so. Now I’m breaking down the course into four sections — I started with theory, and now I’m on to skills. I hope this will be helpful to those looking into doing their…

Photo of the Week 109 thumbnail

I had a conversation with a friend from the dive shop this week about my recent trip home, and I heard myself saying something that I had never really thought about before — at this point in my life, it’s the trips home that are hectic. Life abroad is when things even out and feel normal…

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