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Gili Trawangan

Becoming a Divemaster: Theory thumbnail

Recently I explained what the Divemaster course is, why I decided to sign up, and how I chose where and when to do so. Now I’m breaking down the course into four sections, starting with theory. I hope this will be helpful to those looking into doing their DMT and searching for a first hand account…

Becoming a Divemaster: The Who, What, Where, When and Why thumbnail

This is the first of several posts I’m writing in order to document my experience becoming a PADI Divemaster in Gili Trawangan, Indonesia. While I was in the planning stage of my Divemaster I found a remarkable lack of online information regarding the course and judging from the frequent emails I get asking about my experience…

Introducing Gili Trawangan thumbnail

Home is a strange concept, when you have no permanent address. For how long do you need to stay still, to put down your backpack and to sleep in the same bed, in order for a place to be a home? For someone who has spent the past two years crisscrossing the globe, that threshold becomes…

Photo of the Week 100 thumbnail

One hundred weeks. Seven hundred days. Nearly two full years. That’s how long I’ve been doing this Photo of the Week project. It started as a creative project inspired by the Photo of the Day project that my mentor at the time, Heather Holt, was taking on. Over time it’s morphed into more of a visual…

Photo of the Week 99 thumbnail

Another week, more underwater photos and declarations that time is moving too quickly. You all must be getting bored of this by now, am I right?! It is crunch time on finishing my divemaster course, so I was very lucky that this week I was able to bring my camera on one dive and also have…

Photo of the Week 98 thumbnail

I laughed as I uploaded this week’s Photo of the Week candidates, which were taken with everything from an iPhone camera to a high-end point and shoot to a borrowed dSLR so expensive it would have wiped out my net worth had I accidentally dropped it. I’m behind on work, I’m feeling ill, I’m rushing to…

Photo of the Week 97 thumbnail

Where is the time going? I knew that my time in Gili Trawangan working towards my Divemaster would fly by, but yet the days are slipping through my fingers faster than I ever imagined possible. Let’s just say it is a very good thing that I have firm obligations waiting at home or I might be…

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