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Burning Man

Burning Man 2015

I’m back from Burning Man. While technically we left Black Rock City late Sunday night, between travel time and de-playa-ing it wasn’t until today that I was back in front of my laptop. I’m teetering on the edge of overwhelmed as I look at the backlog of work that’s piled up in my absence, yet still…

Surviving Burning Man thumbnail

Burning Man inspired me to revive my Survival Series, a resource highlighting my favorite festivals and parties around the world. Previously I’ve featured Sunjam, an intimate annual rave on a deserted Central American island, and The Full Moon Party, Southeast Asia’s most infamous monthly blowout. What: Burning Man is infamously impossible to describe, though I did…

Photo Essay: Burning Man By Night thumbnail

I’ve described Burning Man several times as simply a different universe. Never is this more true than at night. So for a nice lazy Saturday afternoon post, I wanted to share with you my photos of this alternative planet… after dark. As the sun begins to set, the temperature cools and neon lights blink to life…

Burning Man

“Everyone cries at Burning Man,” I was warned. I may have scoffed at the time – but how right they were. While part of me feels guilty expressing any disappointment whatsoever about an event that I rarely hear anything but breathless praise for, you guys know that I’m all about keeping it real. While I loved…

Ten Reflections on the Ten Principles of Burning Man thumbnail

For an event of its size, Burning Man has very few rules. It is a pretty successful experiment in letting people set their own limits, exercise their judgement, and govern themselves. There are however, ten principles – not commandments, but rather a reflection of the community at Burning Man and an integral part of what Burning…

The Cost of Burning Man thumbnail

While there are insane amounts of information online about preparing for Burning Man, there was one question I had a hard time finding a straight answer to. Exactly how much does Burning Man cost? I’m providing my own personal dollar for dollar cost breakdown here in hopes that it helps someone else prepare for The Playa…


I read somewhere that trying to describe Burning Man to a person who hasn’t been is like trying to describe different hues to a colorblind person. Now that I have returned from my own inaugural sojourn to Black Rock City, I can understand the struggle. Photos might show a technicolor rave, but don’t do much to…

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