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As you may know, I’m in Cambodia! This trip was a long planned escape from Koh Tao’s long and gloomy monsoon season to explore Laos (first time for both of us) and of course Cambodia (first time for Mark). Our plan for the trip was to move slowly, be flexible and be adventurous. At the last…

That whole voting thing we did to pick last week’s Photo of the Week was really fun. (And thanks to all that voted. You guys really like seeing me get the beat down!) Should we make it a regular feature? Let’s put it to a poll! (Ha.) This week was a close one considering I photographed…

Landing in London thumbnail

London is one of those places in the world that I felt I had been to already without ever having stepped foot in it thanks to a lifetime experiencing it as the setting or even main character of thousands of books, movies and songs. While it sits firmly on many traveler’s bucket lists, I had felt…

Traveling as a Picky Eater

Note: Find an update to this post here. Confession time. I’m a picky eater. A very picky eater. It’s painful to admit because of all my identities I consider myself first and foremost a cultured, adventure-loving traveler. Wanderlust consumes me. And yet, I do not daydream of massaman curry on Koh Samui, or vindaloo in Goa…

Goodbye New York thumbnail

New York, It’s not you, it’s me. You’re amazing and you bring out the worst in me. New York was my Shangri la. Before I was old enough or worldly enough to dream of Bangkok or London, New York was undoubtedly in my mind the center of planet Earth and all activity that existed on it…

The Departure Lounge: Gear thumbnail

Welcome to my newest ongoing series, The Departure Lounge! Here I’m going to delve into the preparations for long term travel. Some posts will be long, some will be short, and all will be my personal experience working through the tough questions everyone faces when they leave home. One of my biggest projects leading up the…

Malaysia Round Up thumbnail

What I Did: 3 nights in Kuala Lumpur, 2 nights in the Cameron Highlands, 5 nights on Perhentian Kecil, 1 night in Penang Overall: Malaysia was one of the best trips of my life. It was part of a larger, two month trip through Southeast Asia, but taken on its own we found was a fantastic…
