Guess what? I’m speaking at TravelCon 2020 in New Orleans! Use SPEAKER50 to get $50 off.


“So…. you walked the Garden District?” They gestured in the affirmative. “Took a swamp tour?” Another nod. “Hmm,” my sister sussed. “Well, I think you’ve covered it then!” She raised her glass in a cheers. Now, we assured the other pair of sisters sitting across from us, now we could get down to the real business of New Orleans — eating and drinking ourselves silly.

New Orleans Flight

Just a few days in, and my second trip to New Orleans was turning out much like my last visit to London — the Getting Drunk and Fat Tour. Just a few short days after Christmas I’d waved New York goodbye, promising to return in about five months when the snow melted, and boarded a flight for New Orleans. To spend time with my ‘lil sis, hostess extraordinaire (just check out the schedule she crafted for my trip!), to ring in the New Year somewhere slightly warmer than New York, and to spend time with Brooklyn bestie Zoe and her sister Emma, who were making their inaugural trip to the Big Easy.

But before we get to all the eating and the drinking that I strongly recommend you partake in on your own New Orleans sojourns, there’s family time. My trips to New Orleans are a little different than most people’s, because for me, the part I look most forward to is getting a heavy hit of sister time and getting a big peek into where Olivia’s spending her days, what she’s spending them on and who she’s spending them with. I spend so much time interacting with my loved ones through a screen — I couldn’t wait to see the new house she’d moved into, help her redecorate her classroom, meet some of her students and spend time with her crew, live and in person.

Cute New Orleans ApartmentIsn’t my sister’s apartment adorable?

So I couldn’t have asked for a better welcoming committee at the airport than Olivia and three of her adorable, purse-toting kiddos. Our first destination? Celebration in the Oaks, New Orleans’ own family-friendly Lights in the Park affair. Joined by Zoe and Emma, we were quick to point out that this was classic Louisiana — a neon Santa’s sleigh was pulled by eight cartoon alligators, concession stands sold beer alongside tickets for the carousel, and The Saints had their own dedicated display.

Liv’s girls, giddy to be picked by their teacher for such a special treat, were thrilled. Surrounded by my sister, my best friend and a whole group of giggling girls, so was I.

New Orleans Celebration in the Oaks

New Orleans Celebration in the Oaks

New Orleans Celebration in the Oaks

New Orleans Celebration in the Oaks

The evening ended, as any that involve me spending extended times with children do, with wine. It felt good to be on the go again.

New Orleans Celebration in the Oaks

The next day, we were at it again. This time picking up Olivia’s co-teacher and a trio of three lucky boys, we made our way downtown to visit New Orlean’s beautiful and strangely appealing Insectarium. A byproduct of hangin’ with my teacher sis? The rare opportunity to feature family-friendly attractions here on Alex in Wanderland!

New Orleans Insectarium

New Orleans Insectarium

New Orleans Insectarium

One of the coolest features of the Insectarium is the bug cafe, where a chef whips up concoctions involving all kind of creepy crawly ingredients. Now, to Anthony Bourdain fans and travelers in the faraway lands of Southeast Asia, eating bugs might not seem like the most thrilling of activities. But to a bunch of first graders from New Orleans? It was big news.

New Orleans Insectarium

New Orleans Insectarium

Obviously, Olivia and I came accessorized for the occasion.

New Orleans Insectarium

When it was time to leave and we were in the midst of an inevitable gift shop meltdown, Olivia turned to me and guiltily promised that it was grown-up time only from here forward. I just gave her a big hug. I’m sure any older sibling can relate to the fact that there is nothing as moving as seeing a person you once shared a crib with all grown up for reals. I couldn’t be prouder.

But, you know, it was time for some grown up entertainment, and so that evening we made our way to Ignatius for dinner with Zoe, Emma, and their hometown friend turned New Orleans transplant. Getting Drunk and Fat Tour, commence.

Ignatius New Orleans

Dinner was nice, but it was what came after that really blew me away. Cruising down Oak Street towards Maple Leaf (note to self: spend some serious time exploring Oak Street upon inevitable return to New Orleans) I groaned at the block-long line snaking out of our intended venue. On a balmy night I wouldn’t mind standing around shooting the breeze, but thus far New Orleans had sincerely disappointed us on the temperature front, and it was hovering around the low Fahrenheit fifties. We stood shivering, reassuring ourselves that it would all be worth it when we were inside rocking out to Rebirth, an institution on New Orlean’s big brass band scene.

And then something magical — and, my sister nodded sagely, very New Orleans — happened. A man who appeared to be extremely homeless approached us and asked if we wanted to skip the line and get in free — we just had to tip him. Zoe, Emma and I were extremely skeptical of giving up our hard earned spot in the line, but the NOLA local jumped at the opportunity. At first we stood awkwardly near the entrance and watched him negotiate with the bouncer with a sinking feeling that we were soon going to find ourselves guiltily walking two blocks towards the back of the line. And then, suddenly, we were being ushered inside with a wink. Amazed that we’d just walked in gratis and shaved at least forty minutes of shivering off our evening, we tipped our surprised savior the full entrance fee of $20 each.

New Orleans Nightlife

Maple Leaf Bar New Orleans

The show was amazing — one of the highlights of the week. It was also extremely, crazy, way over-fire-capacity crowded, and when I made the mistake of leaving our camped out corner to try to do a bar run I was almost lost forever in a human stampede. Okay, that may be a tad dramatized, but I did get squished between two very tall men to the point that a bystander felt the need to call out, “Hey! Be careful! That little girl can’t breathe!”

I will never go to New Orleans and not see a big brass band ever again.

New Orleans Nightlife

I love that when I’m in New Orleans, I just fully hand the reigns over to Olivia. And damn, is she a great tour guide for her new hometown. It seems that a lot of first time travelers to NOLA get stuck on Bourbon Street and in the French Quarter. Don’t get me wrong — I love Bourbon Street and the French Quarter — but there is so much more to this city, and I’m grateful to be shown the best of it by a real insider. One of my favorite off-Quarter evenings was a Teacher’s Night Out to two of Liv’s favorites, Cure and Baru, with a bunch of her favorite girls. Cure, shown below, had killer happy hour cocktails and cheese plates, and Baru, sadly not pictured, served up the absolute best meal I’ve had in the South.

Cure New Orleans

Cure New Orleans

But it wasn’t just Olivia’s suggestions I heeded. After stalking the Instagram of NOLA-lovers Kent and Canaan, I proffered up my one suggestion for the trip — breakfast at District Donuts. Turns out, like many of our destinations this week, it was walking distance from my sister’s place, and in our joy at being the first in line we gluttonously over-ordered. But wow, was it worth it. I made the mistake/best decision ever to follow District Donuts on Instagram, and I would say I price out flights to New Orleans about once a week or so now, whenever they post a photo of their delicious Cereal and Milk creation.

District Donuts New Orleans

District Donuts New Orleans

District Donuts New Orleans

But really, our final day of sister celebrations put all the other days to shame. Because for our last day with the Emma and Zoe dynamic duo, we did New Orleans BIG. You might recall from my last trip my delight at discovering New Orleans’ affinity for 25¢ martini lunch hours. This time, we were headed to the birthplace of that beautiful tradition, the classic New Orleans hotspot Commander’s Palace.

Commander's Palace Lunch New Orleans

Commander’s Palace is classic South — high heeled, manicured diners being led to their tables by a team of waiters in suits. We bantered with our waiter, who upon realizing Emma was a serious foodie, returned with a copy of the menu signed by the chef. The service, the food, the atmosphere — it’s all fantastic. And surprisingly, so is the price. My meal, including three martinis and a generous gratuity, came to a whopping $35.43.

It’s a New Orleans must-do. Just make reservations early if you’re coming at a busy time like Mardi Gras or Jazz Fest or New Year’s — we got laughed off the phone when we tried to call and add one more to our table.

Commander's Palace Lunch New Orleans

Commander's Palace Lunch New Orleans

Commander's Palace Lunch New Orleans

Like our previous trip’s 25¢ martini lunch extravaganza, we decided to follow this one up with even more indulgence in the form of one of New Orlean’s many cocktail tours. Previously, we’d taken the New Orleans Original Cocktail Walking Tour. This time, we were taking the New Orleans Cocktail History Walking Tour. Huge differences that need discerning, there. For science.

New Orleans Viator Cocktail Tour

We hadn’t had the best luck on our first cocktail tour. It was rescheduled twice, and we were nursing Mardi Gras hangovers and battling the coldest temperatures of the year on the day it finally happened. This round, we seemed to be similarly cursed — the tour was overbooked due to the holiday, we didn’t get off on the best foot with our guide when we begged to add one more — my sister — to our three person reservation. We quickly realized that in the case of this tour, the more is not the merrier — because of our large group size, we often had to stand outside for the historical lectures and drink on patios rather than inside the bars. Which wouldn’t be a huge deal if it weren’t raining. Like I said, our lush luck was running low.

But those buts aside, it is genuinely a fantastic tour — no wonder it gets rave reviews all over the interwebs. The owner and lead tour guide Dylan — also known, seriously, as Doctor Gumbo — is a New Orleans native who returned to the city post-Katrina after year spent leading food tours in Rome. He knew every bartender and bouncer we encountered, and even had a drink named after him at our final bar. That’s what I call a local.

New Orleans Cocktail Tour

New Orleans Cocktail Tour

While the tour might seem pricey at $65, it actually is a good value considering it includes a premium cocktail and all tipping at each of the four venues — not to mention the historical background and local lore we were treated to along the way. There were two drinks available at each bar, allowing couples and pairs to get to taste eight in total.

My favorite venues were SoBou, the W’s chic cocktail bar, and Tujagues, a prohibition-surviving Quarter classic. But even more impressive were what was on the menus. My favorite cocktails of the evening were a Ginger Mint Julep and a Grasshopper — a dessert-like concoction of white Creme de menthe, green Creme de menthe, Creme de Cocoa, whole milk, and a Brandy floater.

New Orleans Viator Cocktail Tour

New Orleans Cocktail Tour

New Orleans Viator Cocktail Tour

I once took a food tour where the guide said a customer should never leave hungry. If you apply that theory to a cocktail tour… we succeeded.

But our marathon day of decadence was not over yet. After reuniting with Olivia for dinner at her favorite upcoming Bywater district restaurant Mariza, we made our way to Frenchman’s Street for live music and dancing. One of the things I love most about New Orleans — the music never stops. Nor does the dancing, even if you do have to return home and change out of heels and into boots in order to enjoy it. Emma and Zoe danced all the way to the airport to catch their red (and bleary, I image) eye flight back North.

New Orleans Nightlife

Sister Trip New Orleans

It was a sister trip success. So good, in fact, that we already starting plotting Part II for this summer. Not to give too much away, but in involves celebrating our mutual love for pool parties, Britney Spears, and drinking in public. (It’s Vegas, guys. Las Vegas.)

Sister Trip New OrleansTragic life lesson: never zoom on an iPhone, parking valet. Never zoom on an iPhone.

I would be lying if I said this trip didn’t end with me briefly entertaining the idea of moving to New Orleans myself (don’t worry Liv, it was brief indeed.) I love the spirit of this city, and I love the life my little sis has built for herself there. I read a quote while I was there that, while I might not agree with one thousand percent, did make me laugh along with the sentiment.

“If there was no New Orleans, America would just be a bunch of free people dying of boredom.” -Judy Deck

I wouldn’t say I was dying of boredom before I first made my way to New Orleans, but I do agree — my life is much richer since I’ve set my sights on it.

. . . . . . . . .

I am a member of the Viator Ambassador initiative and participated in the Viator cocktail tour as part of that program.

  • Gemma Two Scots Abroad
    March 11 2015

    Ahhh, so excited. Will be there on Sunday. Photos look fab!

    • Alex
      March 11 2015

      Enjoy, Gemma! Wish I was joining!

  • Jason
    March 11 2015

    Love these photos!!

    • Alex
      March 11 2015

      Thanks Jason! New Orleans is so photogenic it’s crazy!

  • becky hutner
    March 11 2015

    I was all set for Nola last week when my trip got cancelled! Now husband’s there without me, grrr…

    No offense Alex but I think you & I might have a trademark issue with the Getting Drunk and Fat Tour. To be discussed…

    • Alex
      March 11 2015

      REALLY?! This would not be the first time I thought I invented something only to find out that I was mistaken. I could have sworn I coined it in my London post. Le sigh! Sorry to hear you missed out on your NOLA trip — but I bet you’ll reschedule soon 🙂

      • becky hutner
        March 11 2015

        Lol, no I’m joking…I suspect I have been have been DOING the Getting Drunk & Fat Tour longer than you but was never clever enough to come up the term. Point: Alex.

        • Alex
          March 12 2015

          Haha, okay, gotcha. Yes, I believe it a popular method of travel…

  • Looks like a fantastic time in New Orleans! I have so much fun reading your stories, Alex. You’re quite a writer! Ever thought about a book?

    • Alex
      March 11 2015

      Thank you so much Sonja! That means a lot. I love blogging. A book, however, seems super intimidating!

      • I know what you mean, but I bet you could do it! With this blog, you have written the equivalent of dozens of books, I’d guess! Your writing is personable, funny, and full of personality which is such a goldmine for travel writing. Think about it! I know I would read it!

        • Alex
          March 15 2015

          You’re a gem, Sonja — thank you 🙂

  • Marni
    March 11 2015

    I won’t lie – I became hysterical at the one girl’s mastery of side eye in the picture on the crocodile. Perfection! I never shared a crib with my little sister (I’m 8 years older), but I can absolutely relate to the feeling of being SO proud of your sibling for becoming who they are and creating a life for themselves. I have to agree with you – Grasshoppers are delicious!!! New Orleans remains one of my top cities in the US I want to visit! I did chuckle over your 50F comment, though… this week is the first time since November that we’ve been above 0C up here, and this February was the coldest Ottawa has had in 115 years.

    • Alex
      March 11 2015

      She was a pip 🙂 And okay, in our defense of the fifty degree comment, we were TOTALLY unprepared for that kind of weather, having packed nothing more than a light spring jacket each! I’m sure it would have been tolerable had we been prepared.

  • Mary B
    March 11 2015

    Rebirth is the sound of New Orleans to me, so glad you got to see them! Another great one to check out is Soul Rebels at Le Bon Temps Roule on Magazine in Uptown, they play every Thursday and are super fun. <3 NOLA <3

    • Alex
      March 12 2015

      Sounds amazing! I am definitely adding that to the list for next time. Can’t get enough of the music in NOLA!

  • Sky
    March 11 2015

    I cannot wait until my sister and I are able to travel together! My best friend and I are convinced that we’re going to spend our 21st birthdays in New Orleans this year because, hey, what better place to celebrate being legal than Bourbon Street?

    • Alex
      March 12 2015

      I think it sounds like the perfect place to celebrate 21! My friends and I went to Vegas, which was equally entertaining 🙂

  • Sarah
    March 11 2015

    Hi Alex! I am planning my first ever trip to America for this June, Im going to LA, Vegas, Miami, New Orleans and New York. This post is fab for some new Orleans must do’s! Would love if you have any tips/must dos for my trip and if you are in Vegas between the 10th and 14th June lets get a drink! xx

    • Alex
      March 12 2015

      Unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be there till August 🙁 I’ve never properly been to LA but I have lots of Vegas posts in my archives and some Miami posts coming up soon so stay tuned!

  • Frances
    March 11 2015

    I’ve wanted to go to New Orleans for forever now and have already planned to drag my mum to Mardi Gras one of these years. These photos just makes New Orleans look insanely fun, no matter what time of year it i!

    • Alex
      March 12 2015

      It really is a good time all year ’round. And with Jazz Fest and so many other big celebrations, it’s basically a party year ’round too!

  • Leah
    March 11 2015

    ALL THAT FOOD oh my god, I would get so drunk and fat in New Orleans. I can’t believe how reasonably priced some of those meals were! I have to admit I’m still kind of in shock at how expensive the US feels this time around…

    • Alex
      March 12 2015

      Yup, New Orleans might be a big city but it is still the South and pretty darn reasonably priced for it! The only problem is that with SO many good restaurants it is really tempting to never stay in and eat at home. We did quite a few salad lunches but I don’t think we had dinner in a single night! I guess it was a holiday?

  • Charles McCool
    March 11 2015

    Great pictures. Wonderful fun. Dinner AND 3 martinis AND tip for $35? Wow.

    • Alex
      March 12 2015

      Well, it was lunch and the martinis were only 25 cents each 🙂 But yup, still a great deal!

  • Brooke
    March 11 2015

    You did it up right, girl! Rebirth at The Maple Leaf is a spiritual experience. Next time, check out DJ Soul Sister at the Hi-Ho lounge for some Saturday late night funk.

    For next time: Butcher is a must – pour their sweet potato habanero sauce all over one of the enormous sandwiches. Cowbell has a bomb burger if you’re over on Oak street, and follow it up with Ale on Oak (you’re right about Oak Street… it’s something special).

    Had to pass along a few suggestions since I’ve been scouring your blog for insight as I plan my trip to Thailand in May/June!

    • Alex
      March 12 2015

      Liv was gutted we didn’t make it to Butcher! And the rest of your suggestions sound awesome — I will definitely return to them for the next trip! Thanks Brooke!

  • Katie
    March 11 2015

    NOLA is the one city in America that I haven’t been to that I am dying to experience – not sure when it will happen, but it WILL happen

    • Alex
      March 12 2015

      Right now I feel the same way about Austin. Need to make it happen one of these days…

      • Katie
        March 12 2015

        Actually Austin is also on my list!

  • Yay cocktail tour! Are you becoming a but a foodie, Alex? …Just a little bit? 😉

    • Alex
      March 12 2015

      Ha, definitely not a foodie! A drinkie, maybe? Is that a thing?

  • Dani
    March 11 2015

    Never been to the States (or anywhere else but the PH for that matter) but if I ever fly out, I find that New Orleans is a definite must! Getting even more curious because of your post!

    • Alex
      March 12 2015

      I have a few more New Orleans posts coming up that I think you’ll enjoy as well, Dani 🙂 Stay tuned!

  • I’m going to cry. I love all of these places. I used to go to the Maple Leaf every month and dance my little butt off. I lived a couple blocks away. Cure for friday happy hour. I even worked at Baru for a while!

    Your sis is doing a great job tour guiding. Have y’all done any marigny/bywater adventures yet? The Joint for bbq and Bacchanal for wine and music is nice.

    AGH, I miss it much. Thanks for the great photos- They brought back so many memories.

    • Alex
      March 12 2015

      How fun Danni! Oh my gosh Baru was amazing! We did make it to Bywater just once, for dinner at Mariza. I think it’s new though — not sure if it was around when you were a local! I’ll check out the other next time I’m around 🙂

  • Miquel
    March 12 2015

    You had me at 25 cent martini! NOLA has definitely climbed it’s way to the top of my U.S. Cities I Need to Visit ASAP list.

    I will be home in Vegas for the summer! I’m sure you girls have a jam packed schedule, but I would love to take you all out and about if time permits!

    • Alex
      March 12 2015

      Let’s stay in touch — I’ll let you know when we book 🙂

  • Jenia
    March 12 2015

    we just went to new orleans for the first time last September. I had no expectations, but fell completely overhead in love with the spirit and the ways of New Orleans. We’ve actually entertained the notion of moving there — and one day who knows, if it magically falls into place, I wouldn’t say no 🙂

    • Alex
      March 12 2015

      I feel the same way, for all the reasons here PLUS an insanely reasonable cost of living! What a place to call home.

  • Martha
    March 12 2015

    I wanted to move to New Orleans too after I visited last May, what an amazing city. I went there for the food and binged on shrimp po’boys for 4 days straight. I had one of the best meals of my life at Dick and Jenny’s. Hot caprese salad with burrata, warm cornbread and gumbo….so freak’n delicious!

    • Alex
      March 12 2015

      Yup, it seems everyone I talk to raves first and foremost about food when it comes to New Orleans 🙂 There’s a lot of deliciousness to enjoy!

  • Kacy
    March 12 2015

    I’ve sadly still never been to NOLA, but one of my best friends just moved there so I definitely plan to go almost immediately upon my return from Brazil. Looks like you had a great time and enjoyed every minute. Getting drunk and fat are pretty much the two things I’m best at in life, so I’m all for your choices 🙂

    • Alex
      March 12 2015

      Ha, nice! There is no better way to see a city than visiting the friends or family who live there. Enjoy!

  • Chris
    March 14 2015

    Such stunning colour in this city!

    Loved the idea of the bug cafe 🙂

    • Alex
      March 15 2015

      Ha, the kids were HILARIOUS in their reactions to it. Cracked me up.

  • Tiina
    March 30 2015

    Hey! I love your stories and especially your pictures! I was wondering how you take your pictures in the dark, especially outside? You seem to get this halo/radiant circle around all the light spots and I’m digging it :). Do you use special settings on your camera or do you edit it afterwards to the picture?

    • Alex
      March 31 2015

      You know, I always hate to admit it, but I’m basically technologically illiterate when it comes to photography. Anything that comes out well is a result of instinct and luck, which is basically my way of saying I have no idea, ha. I do often add a vignette to my photos in post-processing, which I think might be what you are referring to. It’s an easy learn in Photoshop! Hope that helps!

  • Layla
    June 5 2015

    You have a great time during your trip! Moving to New Orleans is a pretty good idea so have a second thought about that! Wish you all the best!

    • Alex
      June 6 2015

      Oh man… I can think of worse places to settle down 😉 What a city! And thank you for the well wishes.

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