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How I Scored $1,500 in Free Hotels thumbnail

My Year Using SPG Amex Credit card travel hacking. Have you heard of it? Despite the moniker, it has nothing to do with gaining illegal access to someone else’s funds and using them to fund a yachting trip. Rather, it’s a totally legal way to game the travel industry to travel better, smarter, and longer. While…

Photo of the Week 114 thumbnail

Greetings from Brooklyn, where I’m currently struggling through a crushing case of jetlag and post-travel exhaustion. I will miss Asia as I move on to this next stage in my travels, but I won’t really miss the thirty six hours of door to door travel that it takes to get there. Our final few days in…

My Return to Nusa Lembongan thumbnail

As I mentioned yesterday, my second trip to Indonesia was a comical carbon copy of my first — starting with a few days on Nusa Lembongan, a charming island just off the coast of Bali’s southern cone. This time I was not only reuniting with Anders after six weeks apart, but also meeting both his parents…

Thoughts on Coming Back thumbnail

Can you ever really go back? Can you return to a place that was special to you at a certain moment in time, and recapture the magic? Can you go travel back to a place that was once sacred to you, and relive those moments that made it so? Or will it always be a series…

Photo of the Week 113 thumbnail

This week both Anders and I said a sad goodbye to Gili Trawangan. Soon, I’ll be headed back stateside and he’ll be on his way back to Denmark. But first, we have a week in Bali to ease the pain! While this is in part a work week for me — I’m doing research for some…

The Great Escape: Months 23 and 24 Roundup thumbnail

Since I left home for my Great Escape, I’ve been doing monthly roundups of my adventures filled with anecdotes, private little moments, and thoughts that are found nowhere else on this blog. As this site is not just a resource for other travelers but also my own personal travel diary, I like to take some time…

Becoming a Divemaster: Conclusion and Advice thumbnail

Does it seem like I’ve been writing about my Divemaster course forever? It kind of does to me! It’s time to wrap things up on this subject before I lost the interest of all my land lubber readers, but I do have some final thoughts and pieces of advice I want to share first. First, a…

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